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I found this project to be fun, but also alot more difficult than I initially thought. I had never actually written an artist statement before so though it was not easy I thought it was a very effective. I enjoyed the process of figuring out exactly what to say. Recording was also an interesting process; though I found the process pretty easy, it was somewhat tricky to get everything just right. The first time I recorded my voice there was a big echo, so I had to record again to make it better. I also found it difficult to find enough pictures for the visuals so I had to repeat a couple of images. Overall I felt the project was great and I learned a few things along the way.


I found this project to be pretty straight forward, but still challenging. I found the process of choosing an artist to be pretty easy, but choosing what information to present was somewhat of a challenge. I found when there was so much information it was tough to choose whiat information should go into the presentation. Designing the presentation was pretty fun and I enjoyed thinking about which visuals would work best in the presentation. I found it somewhat difficult to come up with an activity related to the presentation because it was hard to think of something that would relate to the artist and also be practical for an entire classroom. Though I found this difficult I felt that it was one of the best parts of the assignment. Overall I felt the project was a great excercise in creating an effective and interesting presentation.


I found this project to be one of the most challenging so far. Not so much because of the animation process itself, but I found it quite difficult to figure out what I should do. I chose to rotoscope because I found the process to be interesting, but it also allowed me to use source material rather than come up with a unique story. Animation was something that I preciously had little to no experience doing so I found the project very interesting and informative. I feel that rotoscoping is an interesting thing to know and I was surprised that my horrible line drawings had come together to make a decent clip of animation. I feel this project was very effective in that I learned a lot and ended up with something I was happy with.


I found the intructional video to be one of the easier projects. Initially it was a little challenging to come up with a demo that would benefit from a video. Once I thought of something I found the process of creating the video to be pretty straight forward. I had never actually made a screen capture video before so I felt like it was a very valuable skill to learn. Creating the narration for the video was easier as I had learned how to do that with the podcast assignment. I felt that even though this was an easier project it was definitely a valuable thing to learn.

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